Camp McGovern’s Report for 2013
2013 funds received $10,000
$6500. for camper subsidies
$3500. for the purchase of registration software (Camp Brain)
The 2013 season was a wonderful experience for many children as they attended camp and experienced the new programs and special events we prepared for their enjoyment.
The portion of the donation used towards camper subsidies was greatly appreciated by the many campers who attend camp this summer. Offering a partial subsidy to partner Agencies, and through creating a new connection with the Local Grey-Bruce CAS, we saw a significant increase in the number of local campers. In 2012 we had 28 local campers attend camp.
During the 2013 season we saw an increase to 51 local campers. An increase of 45 percent.
This Grant really made it possible for our client agencies to afford to send more children last summer . Our goal is to maintain the positive relationship we have with Grey-Bruce CAS and see them be able to increase their camper numbers further in the 2014 season. We definitely see a great need in our local communities and know the impact that camp can have on these children.
The portion of the donation towards the purchase of the Camp Brain software really made a difference in our administration of the camp office. Although we begin using the software later in the season, we found so many benefits to implementing the program for our organization. As we head into the 2014 season we are excited for the program and how it will decrease the administration hours required for running the Registration process.
One benefit of the program is that all campers registered are now saved on a database. This means that from year to year we can access all their information without having to reenter any information. The benefit to our clients is that we have now created a short form application for return campers, making the process easier for them and allowing for quicker turnaround in receiving the forms back to the office. The hope is that we will see a significant improvement on registration times for campers with less admin hours required to complete to process.
Thank-you for believing in Camp McGovern and the work we do. We could not be successful without funding from organizations such as the Leflar Foundation.